📃White List

The White List is designed for early supporters of $zkDoge! A user must have a MINIMUM of 2.5 Million $zkDoge in their wallet at the time of the Snap Shot!

For Every 2.5 Million $zkDoge = 1 WL Mint

Example: Wallet holds 7.5 Million $zkDoge - That wallet is WL to mint 3 NFTs!

White List participants will have the ability to mint their zkDogens 1 hour earlier than the Public Mint. They will also get their zkDogen at a discount for being an early $zkDoge supporter, and for this they will have a guarantee mint spot until the public mint goes live and at that time zkDogens can mint out!

White List Mint Price: .05 ETH

White List Mint Time: 12pm UTC

White List Mints will have 1 hour to mint before the Public Sale is Live!

Last updated